Welcome to MBOSCUDA

Mboscuda stands for the Mbororo Social, Cultural and Development Association.  Since 1987 it has been helping people in Cameroon find long term solutions to issues of inequality and poverty.


Sali Django, Programme Coordinator

Capacity Building

MBOSCUDA carries out capacity building training for both it staff and members in the areas of organizational development, Para-legal extension, REFLECT, Social Drama etc.

Micro Credit

The program is designed towards bridging the gender gap in Mbororo communities especially in the domain of decision making and social empowerment of Mbororo women.

Health education

Health education is an integral part of MBOSCUDA’s activities which seeks to promote good health for the targeted Mbororo population.

Religion and Development

Mboscuda works with communities to enable them to understand how their Islamic faith can help support the development initiatives that they are involved in.

Grassroots legitimacy (Mbororo pastoralist focused)
Transparency / accountability
Inclusiveness and social integration
Gender awareness (and mainstreaming)
Fairness, equity and equality
 Networking and collaboration

Latest News

Make a Call

National –
Fax: 237 22 21 23 42 / 677 36 06 18
NW Branch –
Fax: 233 361 406 / (+237) 677 657 186

Our Location

MBOSCUDA National Executive Bureau 
B.P 1086, Yaoundé-Cameroon

MBOSCUDA Building, Old Town,
P.O Box 221, NWR, Bamenda – Cameroon

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