Vision: A peaceful Cameroon where Mbororo pastoralists secure sustainable development and equal rights in a healthy environment 

Mission Working with grassroots communities to achieve their human, economic, social and cultural needs and empowerment through collaboration at all levels. 

*WE BELIEVE that there are certain factors or forces which bind a people together thereby giving them a common identity.  These include a common history, language, culture, religion, interests and expectations.  And that these are what provide for cohesive bonding both amongst themselves and with other peoples. 

*WE BELIEVE that the Mbororo as a people have their own peculiarities common to them and, perhaps, unknown to other peoples and that this lack of knowledge of the Mbororo condition has led to untold oppression, exploitation and humiliation of the Mbororo people as a social class.

*WE BELIEVE that the Mbororo people’s nomadic and pastoralist way of life, pulaaku code of behaviour and emotional attachment to cattle for hundreds of years, today, make them victims of a lifestyle and culture, as well as refugees of context wherever they have settled.  This has been further complicated by illiteracy, ignorance, lack of foresight and cooperation.*WE BELIEVE that it is only the Mbororo Community that can identify, examine and find possible solutions to the major problems affecting them as a people.  This is more so, because they are better placed to judge their realities and needs—in a constantly changing multi-cultural world like ours, —so as to avoid a confusion of values.


*WE BELIEVE that it is only the Mbororo Community that can identify, examine and find possible solutions to the major problems affecting them as a people.  This is more so, because they are better placed to judge their realities and needs—in a constantly changing multi-cultural world like ours, —so as to avoid a confusion of values.


*WE BELIEVE in the wisdom of our elders and in our own capabilities. Through free and positive thought, unflinching resolve and courage, we aspire to build a culture and tradition of progress and development.


Due consideration to these specificities and needs of the Mbororo as indigenous social group has therefore necessitated the creation of an organization of the Mbororo community. It will seek to regroup our potentials in order to redefine our priorities, according to our aspirations as a people, as well as, curb some of the excesses of ignorance and illiteracy.


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Fax: 237 22 21 23 42 / 677 36 06 18
NW Branch –
Fax: 233 361 406 / (+237) 677 657 186

Our Location

MBOSCUDA National Executive Bureau
 B.P 1086, Yaoundé-Cameroon

MBOSCUDA Building, Old Town,
P.O Box 221, NWR, Bamenda – Cameroon

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