The strategic objective is promoting, consolidating and expanding Mbororo Pastoralists’ access to education, and to promote career development opportunities especially for women and young people.

Therefore, the need to create adequate awareness about education in the Mbororo communities is a priority. In doing this, MBOSCUDA encouraged Mbororo people who have access to educational facilities to send their children to school, while those who do not have access to schools due to their settlement pattern (distance), to initiate community based schools. About 45 community schools have been created by the communities. Thereafter, most of the schools have collapsed due to lack of skills and resources in management. MBOSCUDA cannot let this out of hand and have started initiating the provision of technical and financial support to boost the scholarisation. With this, most Mbororo people have now become very aware of the need for education and have taken up their roles and responsibilities by themselves.

Before the sensitisation campaigns started around 1994, scholarisation rate in the Mbororo community was below 5%. But in 2005 it has risen to about 15% (Mbororo school census 2005, done by MBOSCUDA). It is hoped that it is much higher now especially following the feedback given by the Government North West Regional Delegations of Education as they have observed high enrolment rates of the Mbororo boys and girls in the different educational institutions.


As the Mbororo people (community) realized the value of education through the massive campaign by MBOSCUDA, many schools have been created in the Mbororo settlements, while others enrolled their children in nearby schools.

However, MBOSCUDA North-West has developed a strategy in supporting the schools through constructions, supply of didactic materials and furniture. Today, MBOSCUDA has succeeded in constructing and equipping 22 classrooms (18 primary schools & 4 secondary schools), 2 community halls, 1office, and 6 toilets. The construction works were carried out in 6 out of the 7 division of the NWR with the exception of Menchum Division.

MBOSCUDA also lobbied for the schools to be taken up and managed by the government, because it is not sustainable for the communities to manage the schools to meet up with the government education standard. So far, all the schools have been already taken through this process. The government has supported the idea of constructing schools in the Mbororo settlements. A glaring example is G S Koplap, G S Kopin- Up and G S Mile 10 Santa-Akum all in Mezam division. MBOSCUDA has supported some 52 primary schools with didactic materials annually for over 5 years.


MBOSCUDA and its partners/donors (Village Aid Uk, American government through it Ambassador Scholarship Programme, Cameroon University Women, and Plan International etc.) continue to encourage the scholarisation of the Mbororo youths (especially the girls) by awareness creation, providing scholarship, mentoring, and school infrastructure provision etc.
The programme started in the year 2000 for over 10 years and it benefited pupils, and students in secondary schools, professional and higher institutions. Over the past period, 595 pupils, students & university graduates (253 are girls, 149 PWDs/OVCs and 3 students from law schools in and out of Cameroon) benefited in the NWR of Cameroon.

It is strongly believed that these initiatives will continue in the future to support especially under privileged children and those families in very remote areas and those with less economic resources. 


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Fax: 237 22 21 23 42 / 677 36 06 18
NW Branch –
Fax: 233 361 406 / (+237) 677 657 186

Our Location

MBOSCUDA National Executive Bureau
 B.P 1086, Yaoundé-Cameroon

MBOSCUDA Building, Old Town,
P.O Box 221, NWR, Bamenda – Cameroon

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